Fans Trust AGM Tonight

The sixth Annual General Meeting (AGM) of The Monarchs Fans Trust will be held tonight (Friday 27th November 2020) at 7:30pm.  The meeting will take place via a Video Conference online using the Zoom platform. 

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An invitation with all the details of the meeting including how to connect has been sent to all members, if you did not receive an email then please CONTACT US as soon as possible and we will send the details.

All members are welcome to attend.  To join the meeting a PC, Tablet or Smartphone and an Internet connection is required to hear and see the presenters and the presentation.  It is recommended to download and install the Zoom client before the meeting, visit or click the relevant option: PC Zoom Client, Apple devices, or Android devices.  If you already have Zoom installed it is worth checking for updates ahead of the meeting so you don’t experience any problems or delays on the night itself.

If you click on the link early you may enter a waiting room at first, everyone will be admitted by 7.30 at the latest and before the meeting begins.  Many of you will be familiar with Zoom after the last 8 months of lockdown but if it is new to you have a look at the zoom website help pages and test your audio and video ahead of the event.  Your device will require a webcam, audio output and a microphone to fully participate in the meeting, almost all devices have this all built in these days.  When you start up the meeting Zoom will give you the option to Test Audio and Video, this only takes a few seconds.  On the night all participants except the presenters will be muted to keep unnecessary noises to a minimum however if any member has a question they are encouraged to unmute their own mic and speak or alternatively pose any questions in the Chat window. If it does not work at first we would also recommend disconnecting from the meeting closing down Zoom and trying again.

Hopefully see as many of you as possible tonight. 

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